Almost to the end here, Donadell! -- can you also show me what it would look like if we put the words to the right of the picture (like, how I maybe might use it on letterhead?) like ...
PICTURE Michigan-China
PICTURE Innovation Center
Hi Sir, can you do a version exactly the same, but make the stars the same color as the stars on the Chinese flag (a little more gold, less green like these look here?)
Hi sir, can you do one of this version where the stars are just "slightly" smaller?
The small stars you sent I feel are too small - looking for a size in-between, thanks!
For this one, and number 102, can you please try the following:
1) remove the circle from both (just the bars, with rectangular bottoms, as before)
2) keep the circle, but make it thinner, not so wide at the bottom
3) also, can you do one version (any variation) where the stars are just a little smaller?
I'm working to survey my colleagues, and hope to get you an answer soon! Thanks for your hard work on this!
I've put this one in 1st because it does achieve balance ...
Can you play with the white stripes? Maybe a slightly different pattern of lines (perhaps thinner? or graded, going from thicker to thinner?) or maybe fewer lines, or instead of white, white blended with red, creating lighter stripes? Perhaps they could melt together
This is quite nice.
My colleagues, who I surveyed, don't like it as much as I do.
I'd like to try one more version of this.
Can you combine China's national flower, the peony, on the outside (please make it blue and red), with Michigan's state flower, the apple blossom, on the inside?
I am still trying to reach the right "political balance", and your suggestions have been good.
On this one, there is more blue than red, and the stars are all white ... (which could be interpreted as representing the US's interests more than China) I am thinking perhaps having you change the stars might help to achieve the right balance.
Can you please create a couple more variations with different stars (please include both gold and white in some versions, and only gold in another version or two)
Hi Donadell -
My survey respondents are liking this one quite well, so I want to make some further versions of it.
The top concern is "political balance".
For example, it looks like China gets one building while Michigan gets two buildings. It looks like China has a direct flag representation, while the US flag has no red and white stripes, to be a more literal flag.
While this may seem silly, it's very important because this logo will be used to interact with Chinese people every day. So the "political balance" needs to be right, and not offend them.
Can you try:
Versions where the middle building is half Red half white?
Version where the yellow stars are more abstract (so they do not so exactly resemble the Chinese flag, but more a suggestion)
Version where the left building also has some suggestion of red and white stripes
A couple versions where the "flag elements" (including red background, blue background, yellow stars, white stars) are spread across all three buildings (maybe mixed, maybe in chunks), so it doesn't look like US-versus-China?
nice design! looks like a city's skyline at night ... I don't want the yellow stars to have the same shape/pattern as the Chinese flag .. it's too direct a reference
Can you try some other patterns with the stars?
Maybe reverse the white stars on the red, yellow stars on the blue? .. see if you can make this look amazing in another way
Stars could be bigger ... smaller ... maybe play with that too
Fell this might have potential, but it still looks like a flower ... don't want it to look like ghostly people spinning around - doesn't need to have "heads" in it ... simplify!
Thank you for responding to my feedback.
This logo has potential, but may require some more changes
for the flower's "petals", can we alternate red and blue?
I prefer the darker blue
I don't like the stars in the middle - would rather have single stars arranged in some pattern within, or outside, the flower petals ...
Also .. can you try a couple more different kinds of flowers? This one feels like of "atomic" ... maybe petals with more pointy ends?
A new idea, too, if you want to give it a try:
The Chinese and American flags both have stars in them (US, white. China, yellow)
Stars make me imagine, like a traveler, a faraway vision that inspires us, and stars help us guide our trip.
They also suggest brilliance and achievement and reward.
A logo with one, two or more stars? (might represent US and China working together toward common goals)
Liked the font here. And Like the colors you chose for Michigan and China very much. and the position of Innovation Center. Very nice balance.
The only thing I'd like to play with more is the image. It looks like a flower to me, which I like. Because flowers are a dominant theme in both Asian and Western art, and, of course, flowers are beautiful. Reminds me a little of the flag of Hong Kong. So I'd like you to play with the image a big more, while still saying with a "flower" kind of feeling. Perhaps consult flowers from classical Chinese ceramics? The color is also a little too heavy .. the center to dark .. I want it to feel a little lighter (with even a suggestion of playful?)
Comment Activity
Thanks very much
Maybe in a mail
Because LT only eps and jpg in 1 files
Your mail please
Could you possibly send the eps files for #122 and #114 as well?
Only pict
Pict Michigan-china
Pict innovation center?
PICTURE Michigan-China
PICTURE Innovation Center
Also, can you please replace the word "CHINA" with "SHENZHEN", may require re-centering it?
please check new entry
The small stars you sent I feel are too small - looking for a size in-between, thanks!
1) remove the circle from both (just the bars, with rectangular bottoms, as before)
2) keep the circle, but make it thinner, not so wide at the bottom
3) also, can you do one version (any variation) where the stars are just a little smaller?
I'm working to survey my colleagues, and hope to get you an answer soon! Thanks for your hard work on this!
Thank you!!
Can you do one with the background of the middle "bar" blue instead of red (keep the stars the same color)
Can you do one with the background of the middle "bar" blue instead of red (keep the stars the same color)
I've put this one in 1st because it does achieve balance ...
Can you play with the white stripes? Maybe a slightly different pattern of lines (perhaps thinner? or graded, going from thicker to thinner?) or maybe fewer lines, or instead of white, white blended with red, creating lighter stripes? Perhaps they could melt together
Thank you!!
My colleagues, who I surveyed, don't like it as much as I do.
I'd like to try one more version of this.
Can you combine China's national flower, the peony, on the outside (please make it blue and red), with Michigan's state flower, the apple blossom, on the inside?
I am still trying to reach the right "political balance", and your suggestions have been good.
On this one, there is more blue than red, and the stars are all white ... (which could be interpreted as representing the US's interests more than China) I am thinking perhaps having you change the stars might help to achieve the right balance.
Can you please create a couple more variations with different stars (please include both gold and white in some versions, and only gold in another version or two)
My survey respondents are liking this one quite well, so I want to make some further versions of it.
The top concern is "political balance".
For example, it looks like China gets one building while Michigan gets two buildings. It looks like China has a direct flag representation, while the US flag has no red and white stripes, to be a more literal flag.
While this may seem silly, it's very important because this logo will be used to interact with Chinese people every day. So the "political balance" needs to be right, and not offend them.
Can you try:
Versions where the middle building is half Red half white?
Version where the yellow stars are more abstract (so they do not so exactly resemble the Chinese flag, but more a suggestion)
Version where the left building also has some suggestion of red and white stripes
A couple versions where the "flag elements" (including red background, blue background, yellow stars, white stars) are spread across all three buildings (maybe mixed, maybe in chunks), so it doesn't look like US-versus-China?
These changes are crucial! Thank you!
Verry intesting to try make some changes
Any revise ? Im ready
I hope you have interest in trying to make some of these changes, because I quite like the direction of this design, and of #70 below.
Can you try some other patterns with the stars?
Maybe reverse the white stars on the red, yellow stars on the blue? .. see if you can make this look amazing in another way
Stars could be bigger ... smaller ... maybe play with that too
This logo has potential, but may require some more changes
for the flower's "petals", can we alternate red and blue?
I prefer the darker blue
I don't like the stars in the middle - would rather have single stars arranged in some pattern within, or outside, the flower petals ...
Also .. can you try a couple more different kinds of flowers? This one feels like of "atomic" ... maybe petals with more pointy ends?
The Chinese and American flags both have stars in them (US, white. China, yellow)
Stars make me imagine, like a traveler, a faraway vision that inspires us, and stars help us guide our trip.
They also suggest brilliance and achievement and reward.
A logo with one, two or more stars? (might represent US and China working together toward common goals)
The only thing I'd like to play with more is the image. It looks like a flower to me, which I like. Because flowers are a dominant theme in both Asian and Western art, and, of course, flowers are beautiful. Reminds me a little of the flag of Hong Kong. So I'd like you to play with the image a big more, while still saying with a "flower" kind of feeling. Perhaps consult flowers from classical Chinese ceramics? The color is also a little too heavy .. the center to dark .. I want it to feel a little lighter (with even a suggestion of playful?)