I like the colors on #25. Like to see a variation on the font. #24 is good but don't like the color. I would like to see the icon bolder. #23 is bolder and I like the font but it the icon doesn't appeal to me.
#29 - I like the font and the colors. I also like #30. Nice to see that the black and white will look good. Not sure if I like the icon over the top or on the side.
Alexander, #53 is in the top 5 because it is unique and playful. I love the colors and the icon. I am wrestling with its playfulness for me as an architect. I am still thinking about it.
The I see it is that my design is a very unique and modern logo. Yes it is playful, but also very powetful. Maybe if colors were less cartouniss would be better... I will try a variation tomorrow morning...