Thank you for your entries. On entry #57, we'd like to see the same text colors of entry #56 ('Know your' in blue and then 'zone' in orange') We like the bold font. We'd also like to see #56 with the same bold font as #57.
Our client really likes your design #76, however, before selecting a final design they have 2 minor changes they would like to see made to this design.
The first is they would like to change the waves. They like waves in design #69 bettter. So can you change the waves? However, can you make the peak of the waves a little further apart?
The second change is that they would like the orange changed to a brighter orange. Something like a neon orange or more of a safety orange.
I hope this makes sense. Let me know if you have questions.
So we spoke with our client and apparently he mis-spoke or maybe we mis-understood his request. He likes design #76, however, he would like to see the waves in that design more 'fierce'. He likes how they flow as apposed to the rigidness of the waves in #86 or #85. I'm guessing by 'fierce' he means 'stormy' or 'threating' or 'tumultuous'.
I hope this makes sense. Please let me know if you have any questions.