#51 please try to rework the diamond mark a little to reflect that the products deal with money handling equipment. Right now it looks too much like a gem that could lead to confusion as to what we do. I do like its distinctive character very much. Very good first attempt.
thank you for the feedback, although I am a little insistent on the diamond concept, indicating high quality, premium product and services and value for money, I made concepts more close to portraying that it's about money equipment,..
#152 is a tweaked version of the current number 1 logo, which is #53 for comparison. I made the stripes/money part a little more obvious because I noticed it gets a little lost from afar.. i extended it more to the top so the amount of the diamond vs cash is now balanced and nothing's dominated
sorry, I only meant to leave my entry in the top 5 but I got them all withdrawn, also thought contest was in judging mode already I have no idea you'd be needing my other entries.. But I have reinstated them so you could see. my apologies
Thank you for your time, effort and creativity for the Metacash contest. Our committee has selected another entry unfortunately, but all the designs in the top three were very difficult to decide between including yours. I appreciate your comments and timely responses to my requests. I hope in the future that you will endeavour to enter other contests put forth by the company. Your design flair was quite refreshing. Many thanks.