Thank you very much for your design. The colors are perfect. Can you add a dash between Meta-Tech? I would also like the M and T to be capitalized. Can you put an abstract human figure in the middle of the spirals? Also, can I see the spirals with figure inside in different locations of logo? Above the logo and between Meta and Tech? Thank you ver much for your hard work.
Thank you again. Can you also just put the spiral in between Meta and Tech? Can I see it that way with capital M and T as well as lowercase (just the way you have it but with the spiral in between m and t). Thank you very much, this is great work!
I just realized that as much as I like the spiral design, it is very similar to the logo of another company. Please check out this link and look at the green circle in the bottom right Can you create the spiral another way so that it is more different? I would like to keep the letters the same and to still try them out in the ways I described above. Thank you very much for your hard work!
Thank you for your comments, I will work on it as you've mentioned above. I went in to but only saw the R logo looking like a person. I will try some other concepts :) Thanks for telling me, have a great day.
Thank you very much. I sent an incorrect link. The part of the logo that I was talking about is in the bottom right hand side of the site and it is gray. It has a little guy in a similar energy field. I would love to go with that design but I am just worried about copyright problems :(. Maybe something with just the single blue loop instead of so many? Perhaps make the abstract man look a little more heroic or strong. Thank you so much.