Hi "Frankkenstein", I love the fact that you are a graphics nerd!! Your work is great.... it sounds like you have a passion for what you do, so go for it!! #19 & #20 are my favourites so far.. I like the way you have positioned the text in #19. DO have any great text from the 70's, 80's you can access? Have a look at 999design (london based), they have a great font and look up the heckerguthrie website (Australian interior designers) they also have really interesting approach to their graphics... Awesome! Thanks Merinda
PS #18 & #21 are a little bit low key, need something savvy, minimal, funky but sophisticated... remember, my client base are 35-55 y.o. professionals who appreciate great design!!
#62 & #63 rock, nice work!! They are unique! Do you think the font will be a bit fine to read on a website, how would the text look a little "bolder"?
#63 How would the "e" look if it was horizontal? great font, very "cool" & "savvy" I really like the "brand" look you are coming up with...
#64 & #65 Unfortunately these 2 remind me of the font & background colour of a wine brand over here in Australia, which is a shame! The wine isn't very nice either!
I really like the fact that you really are thinking outside the square "Frankkenstein" & looking beyond what is happening in the tournament.... you are pushing me to think beyond my framework, which is fantastic... keep going!!
Cheers! The differences are subtle but effective...
My website designer had a couple of comments on the submissions so far... please read below...
"A couple of things to consider… • avoid gradients in the back ground as the take focus away from the actual design. Ask those to be resubmitted with a solid background. • the logo needs to work in positive as well as negative space. How will the type look in dark colour on a white background as well as vice versa"
I think the effectiveness of the text on a white background is important and worth exploring to see if the text translates to adapt to changes in the background colour of the website...
What do you think?
#88 Love it.. looks fantastic! Love the line thickness, I think you have got it!
How would all of the designs so far look with the same line weight as #88?
Hello Merinda, your webdesigner is right, working with gradients can twist the logo's perception, that's why I didn't use any! I will post the logos in white background and I will try to put them in the same thickness.
Of course (re:gradients).. thanks for pointing that out!
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you! I wasn't near a computer over the weekend!
#139 & #140 This style is great... subtle.. how would it look in just black or charcoal? on a colour backgound? The beauty of the font will really stand if we look at this... what do you think, can you make a suggestion?
#155 & #141 Love them.. Can you please provide dark/ light background for each?
Merinda,I was doing fine until a couple of days ago you decided to simply wipe out all my entries. I have put a lot of effort in this contest and you were giving me daily feedback which was really good, I thought we were going somewhere. I'm sorry but I don't think this is very professional from your end. I expect an explanation.
I am sorry you feel the way you do, but I have had over 400 entries to assess...
Your designs & passion are respected, but I am driving a competition and need to be ruthless to get the best work from everyone entering.. including you.
In the end, after assessing the work with my team, we had to eliminate many entries that I really liked, but weren't quite hitting the mark. Again your efforts are appreciated and I understand your view, but this is a competition and disappointment is a risk all competitors take being involved in this kind of forum.
Some advice to you would be, in business and our professional lives, we need to exercise our emotions , but should not allow it to drive our professional responses to our communication with people. It can send the wrong messages and disarm the intent.
Well, thanks for your message. I exercised my emotions doing more designs but I am sure that you didn't get the wrong message. Let me know if any of my designs is worth to explore further, I will be happy to revise them for you.
Thanks Frankkenstein.. I will be away until Sunday night and will nominate a winner on monday. I appreciate your work and passion.. Try no italics if you have the energy. Warmest Merinda