I love this design, can you make the the M in the circle bolder, and make the dots other bright (orange, deep purple and yellow. Also make the blue a little darker.
I really like these designs. I would like to see #97, #98, #100 with the lines for the circle a little thicker, the M in the center a little thicker ( the main part of the M, the thickness of the accent color under is fine). I also would like to see the M in Mercy the same font as the M in the circle. Thanks
HOpefully one last change :) I think my favorite is #119 I would like to see it with the purple circle as thick as the #103 and the blue from #103 on the "M" and the Mercy. Lastly instead of "centerpiece Designs" under the Mercy Me, please write "Event Decor & Design" I really appreciate your efforts, I truly love this design