Very nice. Close to what I'm looking for. Can you incorporate some color? For example, I'd like to see the oval around the city skyline be RED. THANKS.
That is very nice. Excellent. If you have any ideas how to incorporate something that shows diversity, I'd like to see it too. Well done so far. Thank you.
Can I see #29 in a few other colors? Like a rich BLUE or GREEN? I'm really liking it. Also, can I see what the "T" in FAITH would look like as a CROSS? Putting a cross in the "o" in of as well. That might just put it over the top for us,.
Thanks for the feedback. But T look like as a CROSS has been used by other designers. I'm sorry I can't use that. How about #70 #71? Hope you love it. Please let me know if you need another changes. Thank you.
Even if I am considering your design as a winning design? I can't ask you to change it? The cross on top of the O looks too much like an upside down female sign. It's not masculine. How about the white area inside the O being made into a cross? Just some ideas, I really want this to work. Thanks again for your help and suggestions.
I'm sorry it doesn't like that. We as designer should respect one to the others. as you ask me for change the T it doesn't mean I'm not respect your request, but other designer was used that concept so I try my best for give you other alternative. But is you still doesn't like that I apologise. Thank you.