Hi heru, we are liking #1 a lot. Can you take #1 and make the cloud only two parts, just blue and orange, like the np nation logo attached? np nation has a better cloud feel. We would like it to feel more "cloudy". Could you given us another cloud shape?
We like the M the way you have it in #1. We are on the right track here.
Hi Heru, can you give us a version with exactly the same cloud as in the np nation file attached? We would to choice #1 or the exact np nation cloud. Thanks for your help. Paul might have a comment on the colors but I think we are close. Both np nation and member nation are part of the same family.
Anything you can do to make the graphical shape more cloud like? Maybe the cloud outline should be a single color. Please create more color treatments with the cloud outline a different color than the type...maybe just a single color that pops (like orange). Thanks
Ok, #1 above is great. The Cloud is more "cloudy" an we really like that. Way to go!
Regarding colors, please use the colors you had in #6 and apply to #1 above. We dont really like the feel of the colors in #1 as is. Its seems to consumerish. We are looking for a business feel. The existing colors on #1 are too flat. They need more punch!
Hi Heru, we really like #1 and will make you the winner if you will provide the following:
Give us a version of this with a ALL Blue Cloud drawing
Give us a version of the logo in other colors (more powerful and contrast - currently everything is earth tones). Keep the Blue but change out the yellow/orange...your pick of colors
Thanks and if you can do this asap we will award you the contract asap. Jerry
Please show us three other versions making the yellow a more vibrant color. (use Orange, True/Bright Red and Bright Green (brighter than the green in the #2 shown above).
How much would you charge to create a similar logo for FoundationNation.
We want the same treatment as #1 exactly but replace the orange with the GRAY in #5?
Also, do you create icons like on the home page of www.carecloud.com? See the icons on the lower portion of the screen? There are six of them and they start with increased collections.
For both of our brands we need an Iphone app Icon like these under "Web 2 Icons" . Here it lists Twitter, and G on the top row....its pretty far down the page. If we had one iPhone app icon we could change colors for it based on the which brand...membernation or foundationnation.
We are ready to make you the winner! The design looks great.