I really like where you're going with this! I think I prefer the M logo with just the one loop over the design with the two (but I am loving #19 even though I say that, lol). Thank you! Can you incorporate my website in that somehow: www.mshanahanphoto.com?
Thank you! honestly I didn't understand which is your favourite anyway :P and if you want some modifications on one of those logos :) I'm at your disposition, feel free to comment or ask addition. for the publishing policy I can't post the logos with different background from flatten colors. Tell me what I can do for you ;)
Oh sorry about that, lol. I should have been more specific.
See how #14 has one loop at the end of the letter M and #19 has two loops (or cursive lines). I like the one loop aka cursive line better.
Can you take #14 and put it on a black background (please keep 14 on white, I like to compare the two). Also, can you add my website www.mshanahanphoto.com somewhere on the design?