#43 I love the conference table, but do you think the detail will translate well to a business card? Also, the green is a little too army colored for me, can we brighten it up? I prefer that the 2 words are the same size, they don't have to be the same font. However, the font for the word meetings reminds me of Halloween. I like the boldness of it but not the style.
#44 Almost the same comments, but I would like a rounder font.
Thanks for the great submissions I hated to have to narrow them down!
Thank you for the comment. I've submited new entries with the changes you wanted. And yes I think it'll translate well to a business card, after all the detail is very simple. Let me know if I've got the right green and font?
Here the two green rectangles which form the negative space of the purple 'S' almost meet each other in the middle. I've tryied to make a graphic that represent the synergy and meeting in one symbol. It's all about meeting and joining forces to accomplish some goal using the synergy of more than one man.