I also like to have version of design with just "Medika" without the Corporation, and focus on "Blue" and "Gray" color, maybe adding the third color "Red".
Hello.. dear Roy.. Thank you so much for your feedback.. update #69 and #75..change the color to blue I'll pleasure for other change and rev when you need. Thank you
I congratulate you that you are one of the 5 finalists as I like your design in general. However, I like you to focus on #113, #114, #115. Among these three, I like the #114 the most since the "M" logo is at the top, but the side "M" logo on the side in #113 and #115 are nice too.
I like the #114 logo color but I like to see variations of the similar logo in term of colors, and making the "M" logo more better.
I like the darker color of "Medika".
The "Medika" font is acceptable, however if you can try different variations, it would be nice.
I also like to have a version with the word "Corporation".
I also like to have a version with the word "Corporation" and "Transforming Life" together.
I am looking forward to your ideas and eventually win the Gold Medal. Thanks.
Dear Roy.. my apologize late reply your message.. I just start my work.. I'll pleasure for revisions..but I think no more chance now..:( Thank's for your comment... Best Regards Amanterkendali