beautiful, thank!...i the colors and the smooth touch are great. definitely with the .com, but we need to shrink it abit. also, how does it look when the symbol is turned horizontal, or horizontal with a small 3d skew?
also, one "snake" would be the "correct" symbol to use in the medical industry, see "the rod of asclepius" , but i am not objecting the use of 2 to create the key affect...just thinking outloud ;-)
Thanks for the very helpful feedback. I just looked up the difference between Caduceus and Asclepius; very interesting history behind the symbols. I have a very clear image in my mind of how to tackle the Asclepius version, but it may take a couple of days to complete. Will have something for you as soon as I can.
The day job has gone over-time this week, but I am still keenly working on this for you. I hope to have something for in about 24hrs from now. Are you happy with the grey and teal or would you like to see other colour combinations?
Hey Robin, I'd like to try 2 final things... 1. to take the key in #122 and move it toward the center of the cross as if pointed to unlock it...basically a combination of #120 and #123 2. we experimented with the one color logo, blue and teal shades...i would like to see if it works with a 2 different color pallet style, example the teal and purple together in the same logo