A few changes... please use the font type of #68 on #60. Keep the "MD" thicker and the color of the slogan (faed dark grey) the same. Please change the slogan to the new one of #68. Once you create this new one, please make a copy with the circle part of the logo now to the left of the letter.
I like your work alot !!!, you don't have any other ideas with the logo? how do you read the logo? It is a abstract of a person inside the clock right?
On #109, please change the time back to "time" by getting the medical logo out of of it and putting the medical logo inside the hour glass instead of the human silhouette. It will look like the medical logo then is disappearing into the sand...
I want you to know that i am going with your designs!!!!! Can you have one with the design next to the name, and in a clear background for the web page, and a couple in different color teams.
Looking at all the options, I am going with entry# 115. I want you to know you have done very good work. I want the different back grounds clear and with some color options, and can you do one with the logo next to the name?