Entry #12: Could you change a few things for me? Remove the "F" from "MFC" and also try a different color pallet? I'd like you to change the dark blue to a lighter blue or chartreuse and change the gray to a brown. I'd like a little more emphasis placed on the name, "McFarland Consulting, LLC". By the way, I like that you included the LLC.
Entry #12: loved that you incorporated the slogan!! Could you make the F (for) and T (tomorrow) lower case? Is there a way to put more emphasis on the company name versus MFC? In fact, could the F & C be removed in MFC?
Entry #28: love the color scheme!
Entries #20 & 22: Both of these entries are very clean!! I especially like how the emphasis was back on McFarland versus the letters (#22). For entry #22, could you remove the F and use the same block with the color contrast with only a "M"?
Entries #19, 20 & 22: Could you incorporate navy blue in some way? I know I may be going back and forth a bit, but I'm trying to compare some of the contrasts. Thank you so much!
Entry #12: Thank you. Would really like to see the changes I submitted on yesterday. loved that you incorporated the slogan!! Could you make the F (for) and T (tomorrow) lower case? Is there a way to put more emphasis on the company name versus MFC? In fact, could the F & C be removed in MFC?
Entries #12, 19, 32, 17: Again thanks for all of your entries! Is it possible to incorporate some type of "green" enblem? Under the #1 entries on the logotournament website, pg. 21, 243, and 257 had nice shades of green....thanks!