logostudio, thank you for your comment. I like your designs! I like where #72 is going with the colors, but I don't want to use "Mc". If I use a letter, it will be just "M". Can you do #72 with just an "M"? I like the creativity of #71 but don't think it would work with just an "M"?
Thanks! I like your ideas, but I think #82 and #83 are a little too abstract for the public to understand that the logo is associated with a lawyer's office. #81 is cool, but I don't love the font of the "M" as much as other fonts I've seen or as much as your other designs #69, 70, and 73.
My favorites of your designs are #69 and #70. Can you please adjust the color of the blue to be more of a navy blue or brighter blue? thanks so much : ) Lauren
My favorites of yours are two categories: [277, 276, and 275] and [160, 278, and 279]
For both of these, I would like to see the Compassionate Justice in larger print so it's easier to read. Also, can you make compassionate justice in the corresponding blue from that design so it also stands out better?
these top 3 are great! Please don't worry that I took you out of the top 5. I am just trying to get more edits from others so I can eliminate more. I will put you back in the top because I LOVE your designs. thanks!
Hi there! Can I see your logo with compassionate justice centered in the middle under law firm (instead of spread out like it is now)? I'd like to see the difference.
Can I see your logo with compassionate justice centered in the middle under law firm (instead of spread out like it is now)? and maybe an extra space between compassionate and justice so the two words stand out a bit more? thanks : )