Thanks! I like #102 the best of your designs. Do you have a font that is swirly like that but maybe just a bit less swirly? I also like #100 and think it's really cool, but I'm not sure if it translates to a law office. I'm not sure if the general public will get the connection. I like the coloring and font though! Can you think of a tweak that may make it more lawyer looking?
Thanks so much for all the variations! I appreciate it : )
To try and keep track of which ones I like best, I'm eliminating the ones I know for sure are too small wording or not as good coloring as the other ones. Please don't be offended because I really like your designs, but I'm just trying to keep organized on which ones I like best.
I also checked out your profile, and I like what you did for the circle coloring for your design for westcam and nassimi. Can you play around with the circle coloring on mine so I can see some options with different coloring? thanks so much!
You are awesome! Thanks! I love that you give me so many options! Instead of the red, might you try a dark purple color and a dark blue color as well? Is it possible to have a purple and blue fade or a dark purple and silver? I don't want to trouble you, but it's cool to see the variations. I'm not a fan of the red color. I love the new blue and silver one (#132). I'm drawn to the sharper colors and not as much to the lighter colors.
I like the colors with the dark blue. I don't think the brighter purple and blue is 'professional' enough - too bright. (although I personally like the colors). I like how you have the "law firm pa" in a lighter color on some so that McCorvie and Compassionate Justice are darker colors and stand our more! I just got back and looking at them all now : )
Yes, I like both! I meant that I'm trying to narrow down my favorites of your designs because I still have so many pending ones. This is the first time I've done this logo tournament and I"m not sure how to try to keep my options organized : )
in #132 and #146 the upper part of m over the grey side had shadow missing hence reuploading them with the shadow plz see #186 #187 and also the scales design in the same color scheme #188 #189...awaiting your feedback
Hi! now that I'm in the top 5 phase, I'm trying to narrow down more : ) Of your two designs, I like the M better than the scales.
189 is my favorite scales design. I like that color combination. But, I think the scales are a little too 'hard.' Would it work if you make the scales more swirly like the M? I'm not sure how it would look...but maybe play around with the scales a bit? Also, can you make the words on right larger and circle on left a little bit smaller so words appear larger?
For the M, 177 is my favorite. Can you make the top gray/black color a lighter silver color? 206 is lighter but the top looks a little brown (versus silver). Also, can you make the words on right larger and circle on left a little bit smaller so words appear larger?
I also really like 186 because the colors go well together, and the color differences between mccorvie / law firm / compassionate justice with the lighter color being the middle row of law firm. But, I don't think the blue is quite right. I'm liking the navy or royal blues that pop! Also, can you make the words on right larger and circle on left a little bit smaller so words appear larger?
LOVE the coloring in 366! can you do one more where you use the blue color for compassionate justice? So keep all the same, but switch colors of "law firm pa" and "compassionate justice"? thanks!