I like that #17 has a design that makes it different, but I'm not sure if relays that the company is a law firm. Great idea but maybe need a different shape at the top. LIke the silver swish.
Ar-Razzaaq, I really like your designs. I'm eliminating the ones with the floating "c" on the "M" because if I pick a logo with a letter, it will just be an "M". Thank you for all your options. You've given me a lot to think about. Of your designs, I really love #14 the best. It's professional but has a flair of pop and enough of a girly feel without going overboard. I really love it but I'm not sure if is enough to convey being a lawyer. Can you try a log with the flair of #14 with some of the professional elegance of #33 and #34 (which I also really like)?
The tournament website suggested that I give feedback on each specific logo to give you better feedback. So, please don't be offended because I like your designs a lot, but I'm giving more detailed feedback. : )
#14 and #89 are my favorites of your designs. I love the curve of the M. I like #14 better because of your use of the two colors and the fading effect of the blue against the white M.
#90 and 27- I like 27 because is an M and also looks like legal pillars. I like 90 because more flair and fun. I also like the lines on 27 next to compassionate justice. #90 is not ranked higher because the swoosh has a little of medieval look to me...can you perhaps tone down the swoosh in #90 for a better balance between professional and fun?
#60 and 61 are cool, but remind me a bit of the Mercedes car logo so I'm probably not going to pick it for that reason.
#62 -I like that you have a line between law firm and compassionate justice. The logo is interesting and unique but doesn't have the "wow factor" that other designs do.
#33 and 34 - I like the look but maybe a little too "boxy"? for 34- I think too much gray on bottom or too straight a line?
#15 - like the font and unique style of logo design but too much gray at bottom of shield for me.
#16- not enough flair or fun
#32- too much gray in design on left. liked the other pillar you did (27) better.
#35 - I liked the wording and the right side, but the picture is a little too modern for me.
Thanks for your new designs! I really like the new styles! Can you do 153 and 155 with a bright navy blue versus the aqua/teal blue)? I really like the teal color, but my friend feedback says the pure blue color is better for a law firm. thank you : )