Thank you for your submission. Very cool... If I could make a few suggested revisions: I like the flames but don't like the shape off the lion's mouth. I also think the letters are a little close together and would like a little added space between the words. I would prefer 2 baseballs or 2 soccer balls in the name. Also, I would like to see a speeding train somewhere in the design...
Much better! 1. Can you do a logo with 2 baseballs instead of the soccer balls? 2. Can you do a logo with a different lion? 3. Can you do a logo with a bengal tiger too? Thank you so much for helping my dream logo to start to take shape...
I love love love the lion in your entry #16. Can you:
1. Make his hair look like the hair in your image #3? 2. Can we change up the way the wording "The Moo Train" looks? 3. I do not like the way your baseballs look.
Thank you so much - we're getting closer to my dream logo! : )