My friends love the lion but need to see a train in the design. Maybe the lion's head could be the front of the train and the body could be the train itself...
I love your work - my dream starting to come true... I need the lion's hair to look more like flames... (like the one ranked #4). I also need the train in item ranked #4 to be the color of the train in the item ranked #1.
Also, can you make the O's in Moo the shape of baseballs?
Let's look at entry 10 and entry 2. I love them both... Can we modify them as follows:
1. Entry 2 - make the lion's mane (hair) look like flames. 2. Entry 2 - make the O's in M"oo" look like baseballs. 3. Entry 2 - put some navy blue in the trian?
4. Entry 10 - I love this writing style for "The Moo Train" - my favorite so far. 5. Entry 10 - Add a train. 6. Entry 10 - Add flames.
1. The word "The" - can you make it red? 2. The flames off the lions head - can you make them look more like you did in image #8? 3. Can we try to make the train itself blue in color (not the word train - but the actual train)?
hello... can you modify entry #24 with a better looking lion and flames coming from his hair? I really like the brisbane lion soccer club lion... The hair should be long and look like flames... Thank you...
1. Change the end of the train - I don't like the point at the end... 2. Make the gotte a little shorter? 3. Shift the image of the lion to the left (and keep the wording in the same place) 4. Make the image of the lion a little bigger?
Then can you do 1 more image with the changes above and also take out the baseballs and do the lettering like the others...