Thanks for reviewing – any feedback is very welcome. This concept reflects your requirements that you're portrayed as a professional, efficient and polished service.
This is looking good. I really like this. Can I make the font/text a little bolder or bigger? I really like the image and text and colour combination. great work!
Please note that the overall size in the box does not have to be large - I like to keep white space in my presentations for a clean look. You will be able to enlarge the logo. The main thing is I've made the text bigger/bolder in relation to the MW icon.
#34 — the offset M and W gives a slight assymetrical look to the design, to represent the resolution aspect of the business — two parties working together towards a solution. Then the outer circle gives a sense of stability and security.
#40 — also has a subtle Australia shape — I realise your business is Sydney but this wouldn't be a bad thing. The longer stroke on the M and W gives the idea of two lines coming together and interacting, ie the strokes of the M/W interweaving.