Here is my first design for your new logo.. Can I please ask if you play the guitar? The square in the logo is a cut out from a guitar neck and strings.. Hope you like it and if you have any suggestions for different color, font, layout etc. just let me know..
And if you have a link to your music I would love to hear it! It might be easier to design your logo if I listen to your music at the same time! :)
Hi! Matt is a singer, he does play instruments, but his main focus is singing. If you go to youtube and put in Matt Hunter, you will see he has several million views on his songs. This Sunday just past he did a twitcam and became a worldwide trend four times in an hour. I like where #13 is going, I would just like a different idea by his name. Thank you and I look forward to seeing more :-)
Thanks for touching base. The client has now asked me for a different direction. He wants a college font to appeal to his young preteen and teen fans. He also wants it to look like its held up by tape. Is that possible? He is 14 and feels the logos we have are too old looking for him. I appreciate anything you can do.
Thank you very much for your comment, I totally see what your client mean. I will make a new and more youthful approach and upload as soon as finished :)
Im sorry we are on a very tight time line so I am going to be ending the contest. For what its worth, I sincerely appreciate your work. If you would be interested in doing any graphic design work for us, we always always need stuff done. My email is we own a nightclub, cruise company and music publishing company. Thanks!
I just wanted to let you know that its late night here in Norway now, so I'll be offline for a few hours soon to get some sleep, so if you want I can upload the new designs first thing tomorrow morning (saturday). I have found some really cool fonts that I think Matt would love. (My niese who is 12 years "absolutely loooved" it as she put it ;)
If so, I need to get into the 1st ranked position just temporarely to get to the upload button..
Thank you very much for this opportunity :) I have submitted the designs, please just let me know if you need any tweeks to any of them (i.e. colors) I'll be online for a while now.