Hi there, I hope you are well. I am hoping you can help me please. 4 years ago you created a logo for me and we now need to make some changes to it. Are you able to do this for me please and of course, I will pay you for your time?
Thank you! Looks so good! Really happy! Is it okay if you could let me have your details once I select you as the winner so I can liaise with you on some other stuff. Thanks Steve
Hi there, one last change. We are going to select this logo but can you please change the blue to the gradient effect as the logo that is currently ranked number 1
Are you able to see my rankings? If so ranking number 9 has a few features I like. Are you able to make the letters of your design more rounded and also I like the fading of the color blue throughout the letters. Let me know if you cant see it and I will try to get something over to you.
Hi, thank you for all your hard work. I appreciate you have been doing alot of designs for me. There are still some more versions I would like to see but I just wanted to tell you now that I will be selecting you as the winner. I cant select you as winner now or I have to take this design.
Hi thanks very much for all the new designs
I like what you did with the 'a' in this one. So that is how I would like it to look. However can you please make the flick grey again. Looks alot better.
Also I do like the grey design but it feels like it is missing something. Not sure how it would look if you changed the colour of the flick and the word 'construction'
Hi , Thanks for your designs. I have ranked you number 1 and 2. Just interested to see a few things please. Wouldn't mind seeing what it looks like in different colours. I have no preference so happy to go with what you feel may work. Also the little grey flick you have put on the 'A'. I would like to see what this would look like in the same colours but changed so it looks more obviously like an 'A'.
You have submitted three designs that are very similar and i like them all. The thing that needs changing is 'Construction' needs to belong with the 'Mata'. With them being split it isn't clear that the name of our business is 'Mata Construction'. I do like the line and the 'civil engineering and building' so would like to keep that if possible.
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Many Thanks
I like what you did with the 'a' in this one. So that is how I would like it to look. However can you please make the flick grey again. Looks alot better.
Also I do like the grey design but it feels like it is missing something. Not sure how it would look if you changed the colour of the flick and the word 'construction'
thank you
I hope that make sense.