I would like to see these variants keeping this font:
- with small antennas
- logotype closer to the brandname
- inverted colors (red brandname and blue payoff)
- a few other options in place of the red (grey, green, orange, maroon)
I uploaded new designs with different typography versions in all high and regular caps and also i played with the robot icon design; looking forward to your feedback!
Ok sure, let me know what do you mean by fixed payoff on one like? Let me know exactly what you want to see adjusted and i will get to work and have an update shortly!
I'd like to get your new submission with the fixed payoff on one like and maybe some other font option. Overall I like the graphic idea but in this form
Comment Activity
- with small antennas
- logotype closer to the brandname
- inverted colors (red brandname and blue payoff)
- a few other options in place of the red (grey, green, orange, maroon)
You have the last chance to submit something new NOW (or never).
Thank you for your message and rating; i will upload an update with the new name and the vertical layout shortly!
Read the note I have written, the brandname has changed and I have asked Logo Tournament for more time.