Marshmallow MonkeyLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Marshmallow Monkey

Marshmallow Monkey has selected their winning logo design.

For $400 they received 158 designs from 31 different designers from around the world.


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Hi...thanks for your entries so far. #120 is good, here are a few comments...
FONT: the font used for 'marshmallow' - would you please use the same font as in those ranked 1st to 6th currently using a lower case 'm' as the first letter of 'marshmallow'.
We like how the monkey's tail loops into 'marshmallow'. Keep the monkey on the right hand side of the words so his tail loops into the 'w'.
we like the font of 'monkey' even though we orginally thought a sans serif font would be better, we really like it as it is.
Could you please remove the marshmallows & replace them with a set of 3 ABC blocks (ie 1 with 'A' on it, 1 with 'B' on it & 1 with 'C' on it). The blocks can be 3 different colours - pink, green & aqua/turquoise. The monkey's hands could then be in his lap rather than in the letter 'y'.
We like how the word 'monkey' has different coloured letters - can we try changing the 'n' to an aqua/turquoise colour & see what that looks like.

You'll notice that with the entries ranked 1st to 6th currently, they are variations on one. We wanted to have a logo that was generic + others that were specific to a) girls (pink wording with monkey holding a doll), b) boys (wording in turquoise with monkey holding a train) & c) babies (the one with the diaper holding a rattle with the words in green). We also have 2 relating to our websites - .com & In discussion with that designer she was happy to do all the variations. If you are happy to do some variations perhaps you have some ideas for these.

Look forward to seeing more of your work...thanks.
14 years ago
#131 - the ABC blocks look good, thanks. The size of the font used for 'monkey' needs to be as per #120 (taller & not so wide). For the font for 'marshmallow', the specific font we wanted is the one used in #85 - we like it because whilst it is a script font, it sits upright & looks smooth & 'childlike'. If you can't find this one, please go back to using the one you used in #120 but with a lower case 'm' as the first letter. Also the colour combination in #120 seems more appealing than in #131. Would you please try making the 'e' in 'monkey' as the aqua/turquoise colour but keeping all other letters the same colours as they are in #120.

#132 - it looks great to have the monkey holding the on his hand with the ABC blocks scattered around. We're just trying to decide if we like the colour of the

If you have any queries just let us know...thanks

14 years ago
#146 & #147 - We can't tell the difference between these - please let us know if there is a difference. They look great, perfect font for 'marshmallow' & the colours of 'monkey' are excellent (of course we are relying on our computer screen being accurate which we're sure it's not).
Would it please be possible to see one without the ABC blocks - we're not sure if it looks too crowded with the blocks? If you have any advice in this regard please let us know. Same with #148 - maybe it is better not to have the ABC blocks??
Other than that we're really happy - particularly with the look of the monkey...thanks!!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
I was just writing about it:) Actually #146 and #147 r the same... That's because i think i've submitted the same thing twice:)
Btw, i'm so glad that u like font, colours and especially monkey:) This is my third logo with monkey:)

I'm working on with the amends u've asked and will submit asap...

Best Regards

14 years ago
Thanks Yavuz...we agree that it looks less crowded without the ABC blocks but we don't want the line underneath the monkey.
14 years ago
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