I like the idea of the "path" through the heart. I prefer the heart in #3 and #4, the suggestion of a path, more than #5, more of a puzzle. I prefer the text to have color as in #5, I don't like gray. I like how "counselor" differentiates the text. I think I would like #4 more if the heart was aligned left, but still over the text. I prefer the size. It's interesting to me that I like the simplicity of the font and the fact that there are no caps. I generally prefer a more stylish font. Can you explain the appeal? Is it just the simplicity? I'm not sure about the color selection for the heart, maybe blue with something else? But, I'm just not sure, can you explain the color scheme? I'm also not sure about my preference of a glossy heart, #5, or one less shiny, #3. I think I lean toward the less shiny. What does the gloss convey to a person? #5 seems to convey more movement, which I like a lot, but the logo appears a bit long.
I like your design a lot. Please do it using other color combinations; I want more options. On #5 you have a little starburst at the corner of the path, please add that to #4. Please align the heart on #4 to the left, but on top of the text.
Please do one with the color on the bottom part of the heart the same as #17 and the color on the top part of the heart the same as #4. Also please add the starburst that you use on #5.
I like the colors in #54 best. This is an excellent graphic. I asked you previously to align the graphic left because it seemed to me something was missing and I was trying to better unite the graphic with the text.
First ideas: I wonder if there's a way to better unite the graphic and the text.
Second idea: Make the orange color in #54 fade a bit more. Right now it's darker on the bottom and that's good, can you make it a little lighter on the top?
Will you please add color to the text, using blue(s) for Marriage Counselor Austin, and orange for the tag line. Also, please change the tag line to Hope... For a Change, and do it in a calligraphy font.
I like the font on #128, thanks. Please add the slash to the bottom in the same blue as counselor Make the font in Hope... For a Change a little darker or the lines more bold.
Can you emphasize the star burst? Maybe add a color or several colors to make it stand out more. I like the way it looks now, but would like to see that part be stronger.
#147 Keep the graphic Keep the text Marriage Counselor Austin Change the text "Hope... For a Change." use the font from #132, but make it a little darker. Keep the slash.
#203 and #206 Move the text down so that the bottom of Austin.com is aligned with the bottom of the heart. Then move the text to the left so that each line of text is aligned with the curve of the heart.