I like the idea of the "path" through the heart.
I prefer the heart in #3 and #4, the suggestion of a path, more than #5, more of a puzzle.
I prefer the text to have color as in #5, I don't like gray.
I like how "counselor" differentiates the text.
I think I would like #4 more if the heart was aligned left, but still over the text. I prefer the size.
It's interesting to me that I like the simplicity of the font and the fact that there are no caps. I generally prefer a more stylish font. Can you explain the appeal? Is it just the simplicity?
I'm not sure about the color selection for the heart, maybe blue with something else? But, I'm just not sure, can you explain the color scheme?
I'm also not sure about my preference of a glossy heart, #5, or one less shiny, #3. I think I lean toward the less shiny. What does the gloss convey to a person?
#5 seems to convey more movement, which I like a lot, but the logo appears a bit long.