Hi nong,
We are about to choose this as a winner.
But can we have one more version which is between #422 and #420 on "MARKETING" size
bigger than #422, but smaller than #420
Our executives loves this!
Could you please try several different "MARKETING" fonts ?
We think this #413 font direction is fine but would like to modify a bit
e.g. make thinner, adjust height, try a bit different font,,, etc
Comment Activity
A little bit please. thanks!!
Kindly check #430
We are about to choose this as a winner.
But can we have one more version which is between #422 and #420 on "MARKETING" size
bigger than #422, but smaller than #420
Thank you for providing awesome design!
Our executives loves this!
Could you please try several different "MARKETING" fonts ?
We think this #413 font direction is fine but would like to modify a bit
e.g. make thinner, adjust height, try a bit different font,,, etc
Can you please modify this direction's "Marketing"
Could you please modify "MARKETING"
position a bit?
- fully pierces "A"
- Throughout "A"'s hole ... etc
Can you make a variations without #398~400's underline?
thank you for your work and We ALMOST decide to choose you are the winner but would love you to try different directions
Direction A:
I just developed directions based on this Idea with a bit modification.
(I used just PPT so design is not perfect)
Could you please develop Ideas based on this URL?
Direction B:
If you have any other Directions you think it is good, would love to see.
Thank you!!
Thank you for providing great idea.
Could you please try another directions
- Simple cursive font (like a simple handwriting with bold sign pen)
- Vertical font
- Street art Spray taste
Just for your inspiration