Thank you for proposing a awesome Idea!!
We really love it!
We see huge potential on your design/ idea creation capability so could you please create another idea with different direction?
Please note that upper/lower case should be” Marketing Addict” or “MARKETING ADDICT”
Thank you for proposing your Idea!!
We really appreciate it!
We understand that your design/ idea capability is great so could you please develop another idea with different direction?
Comment Activity
we love this idea and would it be possible to modify font to make it more "cool" image?
Also happy to see another directions
will work on it
We really love it!
We see huge potential on your design/ idea creation capability so could you please create another idea with different direction?
Please note that upper/lower case should be” Marketing Addict” or “MARKETING ADDICT”
Thank you!!
We really appreciate it!
We understand that your design/ idea capability is great so could you please develop another idea with different direction?
Drop some notes about our expectations/directions
1 - Cool
2 - In Style
3 - Addicted