OK so I like the script from the second choice so use it on this one.....also, try a version with like a roof over the family - as my slogan is to win at home.....so the high 5's are showing the winning but would it look OK to have a room over them that would signify home??
Continue to work with this one as well.....make the mom and dad here one color and the kids another color so we can see if this represents an M and a T.......as this one is really cool with the clear high 5's in the image....
maybe play with the font of my name as well to something more organic - this is a little stiff....the name should be more fun not crazy but more real - maybe even look hand done??
OK you made it in at the last second......So I need to see more - I like your style. I love how the family is all giving each other a high 5. Now I need you to adjust a bit more so that the mom and dad are making an M for my first name and the kids are making a T for my last - but do not lose the spirit of this feel - of a family Winning. OK.....you might also try 1-2 more colors - like earth tones as well. mark
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