OK you did it......nice work.....now do this in the original font so I have both to compare against - same format with the second child in it. And also do this with the total black background so I can see what it looks all reversed out.....just like logo 233 but with the second child in it..... Thanks, Mark
Finally, lets try one more time to include the image of a 4th member of the family - the problem with what you did already was the dot needs to be just smaller than the one above the T to symbolize a smaller child......also, is there a way that you can show the 4th dot as having some body part like you did on the main figure - maybe he is peeking around the T or hanging from it or just beside DAD with his much smaller body form. Finally, also just try putting the small dot tucked up more into the right angle of the T as an option - I like this idea but has to be right to be included. Thanks, Mark
OK I think I like this color combination the best and variations of it reversed out. Now I do want to see this same combination and the logo I put in second position with the font that I have in the third position - just to compare the font choices.....please.
Denzu, I have narrowed my selection down to 2 logos - one from you and one from another designer. Please submit the changes I have requested as I do really like this logo design but I need to see the variations in color and with the additional child added to the logo. Thanks, Mark
Also on this please try the colors of Black and Blue - the blue I want you to use is used in the logo for Black Lotus - just put into google black lotus logo and you will see a blue lotus flower with black all around it....that is the blue I like.
Please try this one in Blue and Green but make the Green a very Rich green like Emerald green. And the Blue a Deep Navy blue. Finally, I want to add one more child into the logo - I think there is a perfect place just under the capital T - in that open space another child peeking out around the T for example....but a family of 4 vs a family of 3 so it clearly represents family. I am getting excited about this logo - I hope we are close. Mark
Thanks for the feedback. I didnt use font there, just draw custom letters. I used curved "m", because it gives more dynamic movement and remainds a little bit more a person figures. But OK, I'll creat 2 different variants too.
Finally - I do want to see this logo concept with you changing the font of the actual logo - meaning the M &T just to make sure you have the right font choice for the initials - can you try a couple versions of other fonts on the initials - I think we are close just want to explore all options.
OK so I might go with this version where the name is the same length as the logo.....so please do this one in the Burgundy and Brown as well and also try It with my first name one color and the last name another.....
OK this logo is for sure at the top for me right now - However, I want you to really explore a few more things. Stay with this concept - but try a couple of other font styles and colors. Lets try these just to see what they look like Burgundy & Blue, Teal-Blue & Brown, Blue and Green. Thank you.....
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In addition try Green on green with one lighter and the same for Blue - do it dark and lighter - just trying to really nail down the color.