Hello! Thank you! I love the colors of #27 and #24 however I don´t like the flowers in the #27 or the big M in the 24. I am thinking in the name surrounded by a cool margin probably... Can you put Marisol Garza and below: Flowers in Design? Thank you for all your help, finally I think we are getting were I wants!
Or it can be in a cool background. Please get in to the ShabbyChic.com web page and look for the fabrics. The name can be in a cool flowery or stripes or something else background....
Hi there Actually backgrounds are not allowed on this contest website. I can make a box around the logo, how will a background look...i think that is allowed... will read the term n conditions again and let you know!
Thank you for the changes!!! I didn´t like the margins in #47, #45, #42.... and the other one is ok, but I don´t love it, will you help me with another one? please eliminate the flower icon, I guess I don´t like them in my logo. Thank you very much for all your help!!!
Hi i have uploaded some options... let me know if I have to add some flowers in any. I think simple backgrounds like stripes and polka dots are allowed....but not others. If you want me put those in any design let me know!
Hello!! thank you for all your work! I like this last three but I haven´t found any margin (of any designer) that really likes me. I think that probably I am cycled in the margin... I know you already did something with out the margin, but can you help me with another one? A clean, cool, stylish logo with out the margin.... Thank you very much for everything
Will you please change me #77? Please erase the oval line and let the white margin be the only margin (with out the oval) and make it more thick. Thank you for all!
Hi there I have been wanting to put in some more designs but I havn't been well today. I have some designs in my mind though which I would like to execute. So hopefully if I get well by tom, I will definitely do the changes that you have asked for and also upload new designs.
I like your designs! If it is possible, and you still want. I just upload 3 photographs of a different idea. I will like something in aqua and gold and probably light pink (like the rose in the photograph) I also posted a frame that can help as a reference. Thank you for all your help!! Best regards!
Ok, I loved the frame, lets keep it. There are two things that doesn´t convience me. The pink color and the Marisol Garza font, can you make me other options?
Great! this is what I want! #161, thank you! Know my only concerned is for letterhead purposes, I don´t want to put a blue square, I want to put just the frame with my name on it... please put the frame in a white background and play with the same colors (blue, aqua, gold, etc) Thank you for all your help! I loved it!
Thank you! #229 is the one that I like... I am about to finish the contest because I alredy chose yours, the only thing is that I see the color very soft. Can you make me the same logo with the same color just a little bit stronger or brighter? Thank you for all your help!