Concept Logo : logo consists of the initials letter "M" from the Macro. In the logo there are also people who are reaching for the form of stars. Which describes the development of seminar members become more confident and have a good relationship (sory if my english is not good, i use google translate)
I like your Idea. Is there a chance you could make the logo bigger, and the writing of Marco Elsafadi AS smaller? I would like the focus to be more about the symbol, than the name. And maybe the letter "M" should develope from small to big, so that it looks like people are moving up. Now it seems like they are moving down... Thank you so much.
I really like your effort, and #24 and #23 are very nice. Could you make them in different colours as well? Just so I can see what is best. And one version in black and white, ok?
concept #165: modification of the letter M by combining figure people who are reaching the stars. The point is that "Marco Elsafadi AS" can assist you in realizing the goals or your dreams. in addition, the letter M modified so that the middle part is formed also check the mark, which illustrates that "Marco Elsafadi U.S." is your best option in finding a motivational speaker.
I am so thankfull for your effort Uta. I like the last versions of the logo very much. It hurts to say that the one on 1st place for now is my favourite logo. You are for sure my favourite Designer...
Thank you so much for all the work you put down. I wish you would have made it. But the winning logo was very nice. The one you got second place for was also great. Congratulations with silver medal, and hopefully you will get the next one. I cheer for you.