Regarding #121: I like the colors on this one, and I like that is contained in a square-like object. I also like your conch shell drawing. I think I would like it even more if the shell were pointed toward the rest of the logo instead of away from it.
Regarding #122, #123, #124, and #125. I like the conch shell drawing very much on all of them, and I like how the image is pointed toward "" However, I don't like the game button circle so much. It would be better if the shape contained the image, or at least if the image were balanced within the circle.
Regarding #120, I like the drawing, but I would prefer for it to be pointed toward "" Also, I would like to see some more interest in the form of unifying shapes and colors.
I just noticed that when the logo is viewed at a smaller size, it is difficult to see that the drawing is of a conch shell. (Exception is for #143 and #120.)
Can you add spikes around the nose of the shell so that the mind can clearly discern that it is a shell, even at a smaller size?
Of the new batch of logos, the ones I like the best are #153, #154, #147, and #148. If you could make the image look even more like a conch shell by adding some spikes around the nose, that would be great.
Regarding #142: Although I personally like this color very much, I'm afraid that it is associated with autumn colors, and North Americans will think the shell is a Thanksgiving Day turkey. If you can somehow remove the turkey associations and make the conch look very clearly like a conch (with spikes around the nose), then I might really like it a lot.
Regarding #200: I like this one a lot. Perhaps the ".com" should be darker, and the "" should be vertically aligned with the symbol to the left.
Regarding all of your entries between #201 and #222: I just noticed something strange about the shell: It has two openings! The first is on the original drawing. You can see how the smooth lip runs through the center of the shell. And then there is the second that you added on, which is ribbed.
The shell can have only one opening or one lip. The one that is ribbed is better.