Kent, If you know our store maybe you can disregard my ideas and just do what you think would work for us. Am I allowed to ask you to do that? Either with or without the "tropical" idea. Thanks
I had another one I was working on that you'll like. I'm out of town but will work on it later at the hotel I've designed a lot of logos for local companies Hole Montes, Naples Lumber, Quality Enterprises, Spin yogurt on Fifth Ave Thanks Kent
Kent, can you take #68 and #47 and combine them? I like the bigger font in #68 I like the green palm tree top in 68, keep "since 1991" like 47, can you make fine menswear, naples and since 1991 a little bolderand in blue as in 47? I think I described it OK thanks
Hi Kent, I think we are almost ready to pick....can you change one more thing for me? Looking at #70..please make the Fine Menswear blue and add the since 1991 on top of Manny's We decided we liked the palm tree on #70 better than #86 thanks!
We thought we did but after reviewing them again we decided we thought the one for us was #70 with some changes. You have made so many entries, that it is hard to pick! Should we move #70 to first place?
No, that is fine I just wasn't sure how you wanted the rest of the info. When I get home later I'll make the changes to the right one. Thank you so much Kent