Manitoulin Wind and Solar InstituteLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Manitoulin Wind and Solar Institute

Manitoulin Wind and Solar Institute has selected their winning logo design.

For $432 they received 154 designs from 16 different designers from around the world.






Prefers others.


Thank-you for your submissions FlatWorld. I like your color choices. The contrast of black lines with your chosen colors has an Ojibwa tone to it. What feels absent to me is a feeling of flow or connectedness that often comes through in Ojibwa art.

Here are some examples:

I get a sense of wind and sun from your designs. I recognize the obvious difficulty of representing the wind, thank-you for attempting the difficult. In entry #6, I see both wind + sun AND a person holding something (sun as a head). I think this is somewhat distracting because I'm trying to figure out which one it is.

I would prefer a more masculine font (straighter) as we also want to portray of feeling of excellence in technical education. Ideally the feminine logo and masculine font compliment each other.

Any ideas how to work the sun more obviously into entry #4?
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks you for the feedback, I will use it to do some more work on the concept and stay with similar colors. I have to be ranked in the top 5 designers to submit new work when the open phase of your contest ends but as long as I am able to submit I will. I will do some more work tomorrow using this feedback.
13 years ago
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