I know you're just doing your stretching exercises here. [smile]
Some specifics: I think the graphic is too nebulous for our audience. Think concrete versus abstract reasoners. And we're seeing a lot of waves in this tournament. Don't get me wrong, waves are good! But they are so common in the business that you'll need to do something uncommon in their use, if you know what I mean.
I know this is hard to keep pulling rabbits out of hats ... but I'm looking for the house out of ATS in Abstract Title, the laughing Pac Men in tikkl, and the magnifying glass in Creditreport.org.
Think standing out on signage at a trade show booth; readable (or at least intriguing) at ten feet, embroidered on a polo shirt; or instantly eye-catching and recognizable on a magnetic vehicle door sign or vinyl lettering on our boat ...
C'mon ... you can do it! [smile]