Hi! Thanks for the update. I'm asking feedback from some of my trusted people and we agreed that "Mamiko Ito' should be more focused than having a big M. I created a file with a logo of famous entrepreneurs and I want you to present a new design with the similar concept. Sorry for making such a drastic change at this moment. Remember I have to choose a winner in 10 hours so give me your best idea. Thanks! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1L_OYNRaI48E4GiOQ7B8kylYICb_k82Me/view?usp=sharing
I like it. 1) Please create different color variation for M. Can be a gradation of fuchsia, fuchsia + gray, gold. 2) Please use sans serif family for Mamiko Ito.
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como tu me sacastes del los top 8
no me permite subir mas disenios :(
you know theres a huge variety in fuschia
do you prefer more purple or more in the pink shade?
saludos y suerte