in my country we are very different. If I were in your shoes I've choose differents word to speak with a person that has worked for me, and also I've tell him WHY the logo is no good. best regards sir.
The color of the wall is black raspberry wher this logo will go and 2nd plase is glass door and 3rd on yam color, this mey help with colors of the logo
Dear Dr.M.Rajabi, two different backgrounds in your studios (black raspberry, that it's lovely, and yam), are a little problem for the choice of definitive colours, because what is good on black raspbarry could is not good on yam. So I think that we have to use more white for the words, so the logo could be applicated on both without problems. Otherwise you need two different colour palettes in accordance with two different backgrounds. My english is very raw, I know it, and I apologize.
The colors are good the yal color and the black raspberry do you think we can use 2 deferend logos will this be good ? And can you take the tooth out of the apple to see witch is better with the tooth or out and live the rest as is, thanks
Dear Dr.M.Rajabi, as I told you, it,s my opinion that the colours of the logo have to be always the same, otherwise the patients could have confusion in their mind about your image. This entry looks good on a dark background, as you can see, but the line "GENERAL & COSMETIC DENTISTRY" in orange in a problem on a yam background. As I told you in one of my last messages: "what is good on black raspbarry could is not good on yam. So I think that we have to use more white for the words, so the logo could be applicated on both without problems. Otherwise you need two different colour palettes in accordance with two different backgrounds." So I think it's better choose a unique palette, like my next two entry. This is my opinion sir, there are some clients that, instead, prefer to have two or three different palettes of colours for their logo on different background. I'm naturally rigorous in this job, but it's my choice. Thanks again.