entry #3, please make the overall image larger. I would also like to see an example of the word mako as the dark color and parts as the lighter color.
Please make entry #52 a larger image as well.
image #4, please show me an example without the tectangular box. one withoutany outside profile and one with another shape around the image. The dorsal fin is spectacular.
#52 I like that addition of the extra underline. it helps in the balance of the icon. although I don't know which I like better at this time. #3 or #52 or #51. Although, looking at the underline on#51seems to flow better. Again this one could be 20% larger, I guess. I think I am liking #51 better, the longer I look at it.
dear sir, revisions made, I tried some options on the logo after complete the contest, I'll give you other versions of logo if you need, thanks so much for entrusting your logo in me