Please read the second last line here
I could be banned on this site for leaving my email id, before the contest has concluded - you can always have my contact info after the contest - hope this helps
All new stylish silhouette - the silhouette will look good even in large size
informal dress #178 and #175
formal dress #174#176#177
I have covered both formal and informal look and feel in a single pose
I am working on another silhouette, and I'll put in some style there - please allow me sometime to have the new silhouette done - yes you can have my email id once the contest is over -
Am not allowed by Site rules to contact via email with the contest holder while the contest is still in progress.Of course you will get my contact details through the contract agreement thats auto generated on this site, so you can have me contacted for any future projects. Hope this helps
Am working on the stylish silhouette, please bear with me, and thanks in advance for understanding
I think I still love this the best ... Can I see it with a white background please? and maybe the name in a different color also? Do you also have an email where I can contact you after the contest please? Thank You!
look at the silhouette thats in first place position ... the woman is more slim and a sexier business women ... need one like that .. and i love love these signatures!!! You are awesome!!
Changes in just a while - the silhouette is actually derived from one of your photos from your twitter account where you are with richardbranson ! ( sorry I dint take your permission to do that ) thought it was fine since you own that photograph - if not i can anytime do a silhouette of yours from any photo you own. Makes sense to have your silhouette instead of an abstract one !?
And yeah you can have my contact details once the contest gets over
A Silhouette of a Business women incorporated into this would be amazing!!! Minus the inititals ... and can you find a differen silhouette to use please? You are so creative I love it!!!! Can I keep your info for after the contest as well?
hi Thanks for the wonderful feedback - keep them coming - ive uploaded some options - colors are pretty easly changed - just point me to any specific color and i can do the revisions
#110 with a Silhouette of a woman - if you can take time to suggest how you like the Silhouette incorporated eg on the left or right side with or without the MB icon - some direction will help - thanks in advance
hi there for some reasons I cant find the Silhouette Attachment on the contest page - am guessing its a bug - so can you point to any url or dropbox link - also let me know if you own copyright to the image. It would be nice if you can post a image link here and that you own full copyright - thanks in advance
thanks for your feedback - do let me know if you like any revisions ; if you can take time to leave directions on what exactly you like to see for your logo will help me
Comment Activity
do let me know if you like to see any changes to my designs - if you like to see this #107 in silver
I could be banned on this site for leaving my email id, before the contest has concluded - you can always have my contact info after the contest - hope this helps
informal dress #178 and #175
formal dress #174 #176 #177
I have covered both formal and informal look and feel in a single pose
I am working on another silhouette, and I'll put in some style there - please allow me sometime to have the new silhouette done - yes you can have my email id once the contest is over -
Am not allowed by Site rules to contact via email with the contest holder while the contest is still in progress.Of course you will get my contact details through the contract agreement thats auto generated on this site, so you can have me contacted for any future projects. Hope this helps
Am working on the stylish silhouette, please bear with me, and thanks in advance for understanding
Changes in just a while - the silhouette is actually derived from one of your photos from your twitter account where you are with richardbranson ! ( sorry I dint take your permission to do that ) thought it was fine since you own that photograph - if not i can anytime do a silhouette of yours from any photo you own. Makes sense to have your silhouette instead of an abstract one !?
And yeah you can have my contact details once the contest gets over