Thanks so much for posting. Would you please mind working on a few variations for us that address the following on entry #26:
1. A few with no clouds 2. Bars that are tighter, bold in color and that cascade in irregular heights 3. Bars as an element to the left of the type in a small and short graphical element within a box or even as a standalone element.
On Entry #12:
1. Variations of the pages that don't have quite as much curve, but show a softer arc. 2. Variations that don't show quite as much dimension. The shading you have shown is great but perhaps a bit much. 3. Variations that allow each page to breath slightly so they are not quite as close together. 4. Variations that allow "MAG" to be bolder like entry #26
We really appreciate your great work on this!
Please post questions for clarification as needed.
Just checking in to see if you received our request for tweaks on Entry #26. Any chance that you could play with that? Might also be good to see some color variations.
Here they are based on your feedback #107 #108 #109 #110 #111 #112 #113 Please don't hesitate to let me now if you want to see more variations/revisions. Thank you.
You may not have time before the contest ends, but it would be great to see some variations of this concept that more directly integrate the symbol with the type. Thanks!