I like the colors here except for the orange, could you change that to a lighter blue and add the face from entry number 6? Also would like the Mac to be a little larger font, not as large as Win, I do like how you broke that up. I also like the apple "stem" on entry #1
I was asked to remove the entry with the apple stem by the designer of entry #1 as he feels this is a unique text treatment. I don't object to that and failure to comply would result in me being disqualified from this contest.
I have input from another person. We actually have 2 businesses, MacWin Consulting and The West Valley Home Team. We have another website, thewestvalleyhometeam.com and I will have both logos on both sites promoting both companies. So could you take entry #7, remove the smiley face and use the sqares from #6, then place a green circle that matches the Win color in #7 around the squares as West Valley Home Team logo has? We'd like to kind of cross brand them.