Hi. After getting feedback from a few colleagues, as much as we like the Venn diagram idea, people are telling us it might be too complicated. In general we have liked your designs and the colors you've picked. Could you take the words in this design, get rid of the overlapping circles, and add a curved line that comes off the Z and curves over the C (almost reminescent of a bird's wing)? Or other ideas you might have of a simpler logo without the complicated overlapping shapes...
Hi, in one of your other designs I mentioned the possibility of taking the overlapping circles and fading them out a little and placing the MAC Capital over it - like it is superimposed on top of it. Can you try that with this one?
I like having an option with the thicker lines for the circles. It needs to have a 5th circle though, and they have to all overlap so have common center. Can you keep the bold lines but then fade the whole thing out a little and super-impose MAC Capital on top of it?
Like that you tried to make them look more diamond-like in shape. Can you pull off that look with the circles overlapping in the middle? Drop Management from the logo as well so only MAC Capital....
I like the gradient shading on the circles in this one, but the light blue is a little to bright for me. I do like font on this. Can you push circles together just a little so there is a small overlapping area in the middle? and try to tone the brightness of the blue down just a little but keep it light enough you can do the gradient coloring like you did on this one? Try dropping Management from logo too....
This new one is interesting! Like how you've colored the shapes to keep it from looking so flowery. Can you do another version of this with circles overlapping a little more so center is larger, and drop the word Management so it just says MAC Capital?
Similar to feedback on other design....can you try a version of this where circles overlap more and where you drop the word Management out of the logo?
Hi! Can you try a version of this where you push the circles together a little more so that the center overlapping section is larger? We like the Management down below with the horizontal lines next to it....can you try a version where you eliminate Management and just have it say MAC Capital?
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Like the font for MAC Capital
Like the font for MAC Capital