#11, #13 & #15 combined together says it all! #11 reflects online services, books, and family. The sphere in #13 reflects a miracle taking place. And the medical symbol in #15 reflects the medical aspect. #13 and #15 is too mature for my audience.
#5 is appealing too. It should reflect more of the services I will offer.
The following designs were too mature or not very catchy (#3,4,6,7 & 8)
#34 pls change the medical symbol to another color #33, #35 & 36 grays & blacks are colors I did not want to use. However, I can probably work with a bit of black. #29 this font is different, it looks more child-orient. Pls insert the medical symbol and multiple color options also.
The company status "LLC" should be bold like "Online Books"
Overall, I like what you have put together....I just want to see it in a variety of colors.
Do you have creativity to design around the slogan, emphasizing the first letter of each word?
#3, change color of medical symbol #2, change color of medical symbol, red & etc. #8, change color of medical symbol #4 & #5, change color of medical symbol #42, change color of medical symbol
#92, my primary focus. I'm down to the final hours! I really like the formatting....would like for the colors to blend better. Somehow the blue and green colors clash in this design. Although blue is do-able, blue is not my favorite color (it seems like a boyish color). A unisex color is my preference.