Thank you for your intention of choosing me as the winner.
You are entitled to receive variations of the winning design. Since #53 is a variation of entry #78, the answer is yes, I will send you the files for both versions.
confident this will be the winner. do you think you could include design 53 with the files? the reason i ask is because i think i will need the thinker lined logo for specif prints like business cards and flyers.
can we try making the box/ font just a little thinner by chance? i've shown this to a few people and they all love it but think it might look better just a little thinner.
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You are entitled to receive variations of the winning design. Since #53 is a variation of entry #78, the answer is yes, I will send you the files for both versions.
Best regards.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Here is the revised version.
Best regards.
Please let me know if you would like to see any revisions (fonts, colors, layout etc).
Thank you