Hello, I like how you incorporate the colour blue in #11 and #10. However I would prefer a logo with just a floating eye, with something which shows that we are photographers. Regards Olivier
Hello dasx, Lunatic eyes means that we want to take and show our pictures in a different way. The whole project is crazy: 2 years ago I was in France with a good job, now I'm living in London and starting a new company. I think I've got some good ideas regarding the way I want to work and the way I want to show it. But the competition is tough. Why people would come and see my website among hundreds and hundreds? The logo will help me, by catching their curiosity: what is hidden behind this unusual photography logo?
I think you caught the spirit with #113. If you can keep the same presentation and just add "photography" under "lunatic eye", and put the same eye than #32 (with a circle iris).. One with a black background, another one with a white one. Hope it's clearer .. sorry for my english, this is not my native language. Regards Olivier