#53 This is to replace #53, because another designer is claiming first rights to the dotted line clover shape. My apologies. I changed the bee path to a solid line and added motion marks as well. Hope you like!
#54 & #55 These are to replace #53 because another designer is claiming first rights to the bee flight path in the shape of the clover. I am so sorry. I honestly didn't see his before submitting mine. Hopefully you like these 2 options as well.
Hello! I actually really love the clover in the background a lot. If we were to go with your design can we change it to the dotted line? I like your design a lot. Could we try a couple different fonts and maybe a couple different hives. I honestly like your design and would just like to see a couple different variations. I love the design overall.
Thanks, I'm really glad you like my design. I'd be happy to submit more font options. With some different hives.
However, your contest is in the Finalist now. During this phase, only the TOP 5 ranked designers can submit entries. Since I had to withdraw #52 and #53, I am no longer in your TOP 5 designers.
Also, I cannot use/copy another designer's idea, so I can't do the dotted lines in the shape of the clover, or the bee path in the shape of a clover. Those were submitted by other designers before I submitted mine. My oversight, I didn't see them, and I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
The best I can do is make the arc a dotted line. That's open to anyone. However, I still need to be ranked in the TOP 5 in order to submit more entries.
Okay my husband and I like your design A LOT. Still curious to see it in a few fonts, but actually LOVE the fonts you have. The hive is a great idea in the design but I think it needs a softer look.Can you put the shamrock on the hive maybe?? Then have the bee have a dotted line for flight?? Does this make sense?? Looking great! So excited!!
#57 - made the flight arc a dotted line; softened the hive and put the shamrock on the hive. Same font. Will post more with different fonts. Thanks for the opportunity!
I like the font but not the dotted line. I was wondering if you had a different hive. I like the color but the shape seems a little off, but definitely getting there!!
#58, #59, #60, #61 I went back to the solid flight line, but revised the shape of the hive on these four options. tThe first three have different fonts, but #61 is back to my original font. More to come. Thanks!
Okay we are almost there!! We like #60. Super cute!! We are wondering if you can define the hive a little bit. Maybe some lines through it rounding it out?? Other than that we think it is fantastic.
I do mean #61. Sorry I am kinda delerius. Yes love everything but the hive isn't quite right. Thank you for all your hard work. It really is coming along.