Thanks so much for these! I like the image #21, nice concept. Any chance you could change the sun to a light gold, the petals to a soft pinky colour (maybe try one which is a darker pink), use the font from #22 and remover the 'shed light and make whole' from the bottom. Maybe put my name is a green, not a yellow green, more a blue green. You choose what you think looks best. Many thanks!
Hi again, just looking at #23 and #24, please may you keep the centre of the sun the same and then the rays of the sun move through all the colours of the chakras, like a rainbow effect? Could you change the colour of my name to black and remove the 'shed light and make whole'? Could you do another one with my name in a green and then another one with my name in a blue? Thank you so much!
Hi hanny, thanks for these! I like the green you used in image #38. Please can you put that green for my name in image #36 and let me see what it looks like? I also like the image you have done of the sun...please can I see what it looks like with the rays of the sun done in all the colours of the rainbows? Subtly fading one colour into the next all the way around with the centre in goldy colour? Please can you keep my name in black and the do another image exactly the same with my name in a blue and then another one with my name in a dark red and then another with my name in a dark green? Sorry if that is a lot of images! Thank you very much!!