Thank you for your logo. We like it! Is it possible to provide our company name without gradation? Because we'll use our company logo for our business card as well, so that it might be difficult to print our cards out with gradation design.
Could you change our company name from 'PARTNERS' to 'Partners'? Also, we prefer different font of '-' for our company name. The color of purple, Entry 59, 60, might be better a bit more dark purple like Entry 57.
Could you change the color for company name of Entry #67 like the color of Entry #59? Entry #67 seems a little bit too strong gray so that we prefer Entry #59 gray for the company name.
Thanmk you, Tompride! The color of Entry #69 seems nice but the size of font is too big. Could you change the company name's size and color of Entry #69 like Entry #59?