We have two suggestions regarding #18 and #19. 1) Could we try to set logo and text on one line, just like #32. 2) Could you try to make an example of #18 and #19 were the logo is in the middle and behind the text "LS Management" - so the text sort of breaks through the logo?
Thank you for your suggestions. I made the modifications accodingly 1) #55, #56 2) #57, #58 - I hope I understood you correctly. I had to make the icon bigger otherwise it would have been widely covered by the text. Let me know if you have other sugestions and I will apply them as soon as possible.
I received a message today from a fellow desginer here giving me the link below about how similar my logo is to that one. I just wanted inform you that I have not seen that company's logo before and as you can imagine combining the letters 'L' and 'S' that way is kinda common sense, placing the 'S' like a road to succes feeling next to 'L' for a management firm. Anyways I thought you ought to know. Here is the link.